Live – September 2022

Perfection is Not Just a Horse’s Name

Adam fulfilled a dream recently when he had the chance to move into Meadowbrook, New Danville’s residential community. “I’m in heaven, but I haven’t died,” he said with a smile during a recent conversation.

A participant in the dayhab program, he immediately felt like New Danville was home from the outset of his connection to the people here. “I felt loved and I still do.  And now I get to live here.”

He has six years of experience living independently, but nothing has compared to the experience of being in a community of peers.  His mother re-located closer to New Danville to help support his life journey.

“I am living life to the fullest,” Adam said, which includes a wonderful mix of activities and friends. “I live, learn and grow…it is awesome,” he added, closely tracking New Danville’s motto of “Live, learn, work, grow.” Time with peers, an abundance of activities, coffee with his roommates and being able to hang out with friends fills his days. “It is all about living independently,” he said.

“I enjoy walking out to the horses, to see Perfection (horse’s name). I like being part of this community.” For Adam, perfection is about life and living, not just the name of the horse, and he is happy to share stories any time.