Live – January 2022

Wrangler Wresolutions

The start of a new year and the time that many people resolve to make changes, large or small, to improve themselves in one way or another.  In a recent conversation with Wranglers Kaylyn, Pam and Richie, we gained great insights on what we call Wrangler Wresolutions.

Pam shared a resolution that many folks have at the start of the year: “I want to lose weight. It is a struggle to get the weight off.  I really need to stay away from junk food.”

Richie agreed. He wants to tackle his weight, too. “We get off our diets during the holidays and it is hard to get back to a good diet,” he said. “I enjoy the Morning Mile walk here, but I need to do more walking.”

Kaylyn’s resolution took a different angle, “I want to come to New Danville as often as possible without feeling like I need to call my mom every 24 seconds.”

All resolutions face challenges, some in our control and others less so. The Wranglers agreed that tackling resolutions is not a solo experience; goals involve family and friends.

Pam hopes her family and friends can be on the same page with her goals to help minimize food temptations.

Richie focused on the loss of socialization that comes with masks and he looks forward to masks being a part of history.

Kaylyn’s challenge is twofold, “I need to get off my phone and start walking more,” she said.

We all face resolution challenges, whether our goals are subtle or profound, big or small. Perhaps the insights and the commitment of the Wranglers to their goals will help you with yours.

Perhaps some changes coming to New Danville in 2022 will help the Wranglers whose goals include weight control and exercise.  Stay tuned!