Live: Dec 2021

Our First Respite Service Customer Shares Her Views

It didn’t take long after New Danville began its respite services that it had its first customer, a familiar face in the day habilitation program. Alyx began attending New Danville’s programs in 2008 and has long wanted to move to the residential community, Meadowbrook. The waiting list is long, but she is patient, and she got a taste of living here with a brief stay in the cabin now used for respite services.

“I loved it,” she said. “I can’t wait until I can move here someday. I am staying here for another week soon. I love it so much.”

Alyx is busy in various day program activities. A theater major, she is social and busy.  The pace changed when all the other Wranglers left at the end of the day and she was able to stay behind.

“I had my own key, and wifi and the kitchen. Since I was staying, I could use the food pantry on Tuesday. When everyone was gone, I was able to put on my workout clothes, get a bottle of water and get some exercise outdoors. I enjoyed the grounds after everyone left.”

Alyx liked the sense of independence as well as the sense of community with residents who live on site. She hopes to stay often until the time comes that there is an opening so she can live at New Danville.