Grow – November 2021

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
 Maya Angelou

Among the many things that have experienced growth at New Danville is gratitude. Despite the challenges of 2020 and 2021, New Danville has much to be grateful for.

Maya’s quote will appear on our new Gratitude Wall that will be used to acknowledge the many donors who make what we do at New Danville possible. Of course, we hope to see your name on the wall.

We are indeed blessed that so many give cheerfully:  donors of their resources, volunteers of their time and talent, team members of their skills…all of which we accept humbly and gratefully.

We will also introduce a new donor appreciation event for all donors of $100 per year, or more. The event will be held in the spring as a warm, comfortable gathering for New Danville to say thank you and for donors to have a “family reunion,” so to speak.

Our intention is to not only honor the levels at which our donors support the work at New Danville, but also to acknowledge the manner in which they give, e.g., monthly automatic payments and planned giving. Quite simply….thank you.