Development Corner – November 2021

Among the many donors who joined the ranks of supporters for the first time in 2021, was a company that has tackled a few volunteer projects this year. Sterling Construction has built relationships with New Danville while using an essential building material – shared values.

The first time a Sterling Construction crew of volunteers came to New Danville, they tackled painting picnic benches, the bridge, and the residence cabins. A few months later, they spiffed up the lunch/gathering area with bold, geometric patterns painted on the walls and other wall finishings added that changed the room from ho-hum to “hot dog!”  Their third service trip for the year had them extending the work of their second trip into the smaller gathering area adjacent to the lunchroom.

Sterling Construction leadership believes in addressing the needs of those with special needs. That is the basis, of course, of all long-term relationships between an organization and those who support it; mutual values. The more one knows about the cause and how the organization addresses it, the stronger the relationship can be. 

November 15 is National Philanthropy Day this year. The Sterling Construction story serves as a good reminder of what philanthropy means and the many ways it can manifest. The roots of the word “philanthropy” means “love of mankind.” It is for the love of others that time is given, talent is utilized and treasure is shared. To all who support others, thank you.

Join the family of New Danville supporters. I invite you to learn more about how (and why) the New Danville team serves adults with IDD with a tour or a conversation. I can be reached at or 936-253-5757.

We are pleased to introduce Live, Learn, Work and Grow:  Wisdom from Under the Windmill, an inspiring, motivational, immediately usable presentation by Dion McInnis, development director. Bring this to your organization, association, business or group; everyone’s life can be better with the 15 nuggets of wisdom for living discovered at New Danville. Contact Dion at to book the presentation for your event.

New Danville is a 501( c ) 3 nonprofit rural community in Willis, TX for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. New Danville provides our clients an opportunity to live enriched and purposeful lives; we proudly call them Wranglers.