Development Corner – February 2022

Adapting to changing conditions

Gloria has been a consistent, monthly donor for quite a while. She also makes additional contributions to several of our special appeals throughout the year.  This year is already shaping up to be unlike other years and she is having to evaluate her giving. Clearly, donors everywhere are having to consider carefully to whom they can donate and at what levels.  I am glad that she and I had a chance to chat.

I wish I had a dollar for each time I said or wrote this phrase with team members and audiences in my several decades in this profession: “Dollars are great, donors are better.” Dollars will come and go as personal or economic conditions change: That is a given. The most important thing is to keep connections and relationships with the people behind the donations. I have always found that as conditions improve, loyal donors committed to an organization’s cause will re-engage if the relationship with them is maintained.

She continues to support us; she just wanted to let us know that there may be some adjustments in her support as the year goes by.  I appreciate her openness and support; more so, I appreciate the person she is and her appreciation of what the team does at New Danville to empower our clients to live, learn, work and grow.

“Dollars are great, donors are better.”  We have wonderful donors.  Thank you, all, for your support.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about ways to support New Danville, contributing stock, funding a naming opportunity or if you simply want to hear a New Danville story.  I can be reached at 936-253-5757.

Dion McInnis, Development Director

We are pleased to introduce Live, Learn, Work and Grow:  Wisdom from Under the Windmill, an inspiring, motivational, immediately usable presentation by Dion McInnis, development director. Bring this to your organization, association, business or group; everyone’s life can be better with the 15 nuggets of wisdom for living discovered at New Danville. Contact Dion at to book the presentation for your event.

New Danville is a 501( c ) 3 nonprofit rural community in Willis, TX for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. New Danville provides our clients an opportunity to live enriched and purposeful lives; we proudly call them Wranglers.